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Yissachar-Zevulun partnerships
Earning an abundance of blessing in this world and eternal reward in the next.

Our Valued Partners

Hour by hour you sit at your desk working.

Filing papers.

Replying to emails.

Attending meetings.

Without a second to spare.

At the back of your mind, you know you should

contribute more to Torah learning.

But your day is filled with running your business.

How can you possibly commit to both?

The Achim Scheme offers me the unique opportunity to acquire a share of Torah learning every day! This amazing zechus would be so much harder to arrange without the help of Achim. Thank you.
DL, Syndicate Partner

There's an easy and affordable way
to invest in Torah and your business.

(Without feeling pulled in too many directions)

Become a Zevulun partner

And receive abundant blessing.

Yissachar-Zevulun partnerships go back thousands of years.

Our ancestors appreciated the tremendous opportunity every yid has to

reap the rewards of Torah learning, whether or not they're sitting and

learning in the Beis Hamedrash.

When you invest in a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership, it's as if you are

spending your day learning.

You reap all the sechar that Torah learning earns, both in this world and

the next.

'But it seems expensive.'
'And it must be complicated.'

Giving a charity voucher every time a Kollel comes
knocking on your door seems like a better idea.

Until now.

Because the reward for being a consistent supporter of Torah is too
great to miss.

An authentic Yissachar-Zevulun partnership is now within your reach.

Devoted Zevulun
Paid to our
committed Avreichim
Months of
consistent giving
'The best deal around. In Yoreh De'ah #246 regarding the efficacy of the Yissachar-Zevulun pact it states: it is considered as if he learned all the Torah himself. Need I say any more?!'
Dovid Green, Full partner

Learn more about becoming an Achim partner today.

What is Achim?

Achim is a contemporary, UK-based organisation that enables businessmen just like you to become Zevulun partners.

We have made Yissachar-Zevulun partnerships affordable and doable, through flexible packages and syndicate partnerships.

With a starting point of just £50/month for a syndicate partnership, every partner receives a signed and authorised shtar, with the immense brocha that comes with it.

That way you reap the unbelievable sechar of Torah learning each and every day

'It's a better investment than property. Better than investing back into the business. It's guaranteed - you WILL reap the reward.

You get to meet the yungerleit. You get to see them learning. He's even offered to have a chavrusa with me to build that relationship.

I can assure you our business has grown because of the investment we have in Achim.'

Anthony Geller, CEO Prima Insurance Brokers

Packages to suit every budget.

Not everyone can afford a premier partnership.
That's why Achim offers flexible, affordable packages where you
reap the reward of your investment based on the amount you give.
Ideal for individuals
Invest as a group (with
up to 12 participants)
Up to half shares
Choose Syndicate
Designed for businesses
Join with your
business partners
Third, half or
full investment
Choose Business
Full investment in an avreich
Individual personalised
100% reward for his learning
Choose Corporate
Create your own mini
Kollel with a starting point
of 2 avreichim
Choose a name for your Kollel
Receive reward for each
avreich's learning in your Kollel
Dedicate your Kollel in
memory of a loved one
Choose Premier

100% investment security. Backed by Gedolim. Signed shtar with every investment.

We tailor your package to suit your needs.

How does Achim work?

The step-by-step process

An no-obligation inquiry.
Find out if being a Zevulun partner can work for you.
Matching begins.
We partner you with a committed avreich.
A special meeting.
Receive a visit from an Achim representative to sign the contract and launch the partnership.
The blessings begin.
Your avreich learns, with your financial support, and you reap an abundance of blessings!

Witness the incredible blessings our current Zevulun partners have received because of their Achim partnerships.


All your important questions answered.

How does a regular Yissachar-Zevulun partnership work?

The Zevulun becomes an equal partner with the Yissochor, thereby enabling him to access what the Yissochor gains through his Torah learning as if he has learnt himself. The partnership is similar to the way a wife partners with her husband's Torah study.

How does the Achim Scheme work?

Achim makes the partnering of Yissochor and Zevulun easy and affordable. It takes verified Torah learners and matches them with either a corporate sponsor or groups of individuals, each of whom provide support according to their ability. In this way, individuals for whom the cost of a Yissochor Zevulun partnership would be prohibitive on their own, can club together to support a Yissochor, and so receive the benefit of a traditional Yissochor Zevulun partnership.

What zechus is given to individuals in the Achim Scheme?

Exactly the same as is given to a regular Zevulun in quality, with the quantity of reward each person receives being in proportion to the amount of his support.

How much do I have to give every month or year?

With Achim, at the individual level we ask for a minimum support of £600 per year, either as a one-off payment, or spread out throughout the year - for example £50 per month. At the corporate level we look for support of £1100 per year.

How did you arrive at that figure?

The scheme is based on the way the Chofetz Chaim sets down the Yissochor Zevulun arrangement. One of his stipulations is that if a single Zevulun cannot afford to support a Yissochor, he may form a group of people to do so, as long as each partner's support is more than was already incumbent on him through the Mitzvah of Hachzokas Torah, which is also income related. £600 is the real monthly cost to us of a member of the Kollel, and in our experience £600 would also be more than most individuals would be required to give for regular Hachzokas Torah, which makes it qualify for a Yissochor Zevulun partnership. In the corporate category, we look for a yearly sponsorship at £13200. A Yissochor provides a vital contribution to the success of any business, and we would expect him to be treated as a yearly business expense.

If I applied to join would I need to wait unti l there is a full group of 12 so that the Yissochor is fully supported throughout the year, or could I sign up with a Yissochor to support him for just one month in the year?

With Achim, you just need to satisfy the entry level that qualifies to become a Zevulun: £600 per year. This equates to one month's support. Finding the other 11 months of support required is the task of the Achim Scheme, (unless of course you want to establish your own specific group of 12 people which you are welcome to do).

What is the Halachic source for the Achim Scheme?

The root of the Achim Scheme is found in Shulchan Oruch (Yoreh Deah 246/1) and expounded in the Sefer Shem Olam (Kol Kisvei Chofetz Chaim - Shar Hischazkus 6). A small booklet outlining the Halachic basis for the scheme is available on request for further examination.

Can I use Ma'aser money?

One cannot use Ma'aser money to pay off existing obligations. Since by committing to this support it becomes an obligation, if one wishes to use Ma'aser money for a Yissochor Zevulun partnership, one must make this a precondition to the agreement and then it would be permissible.

Will I be assigned a specific Avreich; does the Rosh Kollel choose, or can I?

At the corporate level, or for individuals fully sponsoring a single Avriech, we will offer this service. Similarly, for groups who fully sponsor an Avreich. If you are supporting just one month we will not usually off er this service.

How can I be sure my Yissochor is learning properly?

Achim sets guidelines for the Yungerleit it creates partnerships for and makes sure they are keeping up with their commitments.

Would I sign a contract just as a one-off, or every year?

Once the period relating to the agreed support is over, we would need a new contract. Achim would generally look to renew a contract each year, but if specified a contract can be made for longer.

Bring immense blessings into your life today.

Easy set-up | Affordable packages | Endorsed by Gedolim

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